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Fargo Baptist Church has a wide variety of ministries to serve you and your family. All of our ministries are designed to help people know God, find friends, and live better. We hope you will find a place where you can belong, as well as minister for your Creator.


If you desire to learn the Bible and make friends in a smaller group setting, you will enjoy our 9:30 Bible class on Sunday mornings. You will be with other people at your stage of life facing similar situations. The smaller size of 30-80 people affords a more home-like atmosphere and an opportunity to connect with others your age and build lifelong relationships with people who will encourage you in your journey through life.


One of our purposes is to help parents raise their children. Everywhere you look at Fargo Baptist you will see children (Our pastors think it’s awesome!) Reaching their tender hearts for God is our goal. We believe Sunday-School and Children’s Church are a vital part of a child’s growing experience. Children are placed in an age appropriate class where we prayerfully teach them Biblical family values, giving them a strong foundation for their teen and adult years. We want kids to see how God’s Word fits into their lives.


Understanding, guiding and caring for today’s young people is an important ministry at Fargo Baptist. We have trained and caring adults who teach and help our young people to develop right attitudes toward God, family, peers and self. Meaningful teaching, counseling, and activities are important aspects of our church teen ministry.


Many people have the desire to learn and understand the Bible, but they don’t know where to start. At Fargo Baptist we have a number of ‘seasoned Christians’ who love to help others discover the Bible one-on-one. In the process, wonderful friendships are developed. We’re here to support you on your spiritual journey.


The ladies at Fargo Baptist enjoy expressing Christ’s love to other church members, area residents, and missionary wives through prayer, gifts, and special events. We have several helpful and heartwarming ministries. Our ladies also enjoy craft time together and preparing meals to be a blessing. We also feature a mother’s support group called Moms and More, which holds encouraging meetings.


We have a very active College & Career group. Our college students meet on area campuses for Bible study and fellowship on a weekly basis. Our group also partakea in various activities that provide fun and recreation.


We worship the Lord through spiritual Christ honoring music. We love to sing the timeless hymns of the faith as a congregation. There are also many avenues to our music ministry including: Orchestra, Special Music, Adult Choir, and Cantatas.


At Fargo Baptist we’re committed to bringing people to God’s house to hear the life changing gospel. For over 25 years we have provided free bus service to children and adults alike who want to attend church on Sunday mornings. 


Our staff and volunteers consider it a privilege to serve our community. This ministry is a labor of love, designed to be a blessing to people! Our Compassion ministry folks bring cheer to shut ins, and those in nursing homes or hospitals. We have a group of dedicated folks who are a blessing through visits, special services, music, and Bible study.

This ministry, let by Veterans and supported by the Members of Fargo Baptist Church, provides free breakfasts for veterans every other month, as well as intra-church veterans outings in the intervening months. We have a weekly "Discipled Veteran" program, and end-of-life planning service. Click here for more.


There are many other ways to serve the Lord at Fargo Baptist including: church housekeeping, library and bookstore, nursing homes, truck stop outreach, print shop, church nursery, church greeters, and many other areas.

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